Inodode Logistics Port Development
ERC Conduct bankable feasibility study for INDODE station port logistics Development project according to the points raised under Article 17 Sub article 2 and 3 of the FDRE PPP proclamation No. 1076/2018 with specific considerations for technical and legal requirements to conduct the project under Public Private Partnership modality. The study which includes social, environmental and economic impact of the project, value for money of the project, affordability & sustainability of the project. Concept Engineering Design preparation, Promotional Blue prints and PPP based partner selection BID preparation based on the existing laws governing public procurement and PPP project implementation laws in Ethiopia
Objective of this project is to identify a feasible business strategic development plan under PPP modality for Ethiopian Railways Corporation (ERC) to jointly develop a plot it has already secured and paid compensation and cleared 3 square kilometer plot land needed for the implementation of the project during the construction of Addis Ababa –Djibouti Railway line in connection to the construction of INDODE freight station building project to be a railway line dependent port logistics development hub with multimodal operational options including all six pillars of the multimodal logistics park features
- Distribution,
- Consolidation/Deconsolidation,
- Warehouse conventional as well cold storage, product specific, communication, inventory management,
- Intermodal transportation,
- Comprehensive service like packaging, reprocessing, labeling…,
- Auxiliary facilities like recreation centers, business centre, health centre, custom one stop service centre ….and diverse tailored made service like cold-chain storage facilities and other service.
How can we help you?
Contact us at the Ethiopisn Railway Corporation Headoffice or submit a business inquiry online